

Monday, October 8, 2012

Fifty Shades of Grey, Chp. 2

Chapter 2 opens with Ana a wreck after meeting Christian. He's affected her deeply but she's not sure why.  She finds him strikingly attractive, commanding and confident... but also arrogant, autocratic and cold.   She feels utterly foolish and internally cringes each time she recalls asking him Kate's question on his sexual preference.

Ana scolds Kate for not prepping her better for the interview and, when questioned, describes her subject as "focused and intense; courteous, formal, slightly stuffy -- like he's old before his time."  Suspecting an attraction, Kate's  inquisitive nature tires to dig deeper and discern Ana's true feelings but she's fairly unsuccessful, learning only that Ana finds  Mr. Grey "fascinating."

They spend the evening in, Kate working her story, Ana, an essay on Tess of the d'Urbervilles. That night she dreams of gray eyes.

The week is filled with school and work.  We get a bit of back story on Ana's family. Her father's deceased and her mother's remarried to husband no. 3.  Her mother's second husband, Ray (Steele), is the man Ana thinks of as her father and who she remains close with even after the divorce.  We also meet Jose.  (Why do I picture him to look like Taylor Lautner?) He's a dear friend and aspiring photographer who attends WSU with Ana and Kate.

That Saturday, Ana is once again working her part-time job at the local hardware store.  Looking up from her computer screen she finds herself staring into the 'bold gray gaze' of none other than Christian Grey.  He's looking much more casual in his sweater and jeans -- simply jaw-dropping gorgeous to Ana.  He's "in the area" visiting WSU and wishes to stock up on a few things. Can she help him?

He goes through his list...cable ties, masking tape, rope... All the while Ana is a nervous wreck feeling the Grey effect on her senses.  They banter a bit back and forth, innuendo in the air when Christian teasingly asks if she was ever in the Girl Scouts.

"Organized group activities aren't really my thing, Mr. Grey."
He arches a brow
"What is your thing, Anastasia?" he asks, his voice soft and his secret smile is back.  Ana's subconscious makes one of her first appearances here and it's when Ana answers "Books" that she is inwardly screaming YOU! You are my thing!    But Ana ignores her, filling him in on her love of British literature.

Mr. Grey offers to make himself available for a photo session so Kate can have picture to accompany her story. It also gives him an opportunity to give Ana his card.

A Co-worker, Paul, interrupts their conversation leaving Mr. Grey rather unhappy.  He's changed from the weirdly attentive customer to someone else -- someone cold and distant.  Ana finally returns to him and rings up his items but as he turns to leave he stops and pauses. "Oh - and Anastasia, I'm glad Miss Kavanagh couldn't do the interview." He smiles, then strides out of the store... leaving Ana a quivering mess.


Chapter Questions:

1. What were some of your favorite moments from this chapter and did they change after reading a 2nd, 3rd or even fourth time?

2. Was there anything you didn't like or understand?

3. What particular chapter moment you're just dying to see on screen?


  1. Christian's popping to the hardware store never gets old no matter how many times I read it. It's so amusing now when he asks for the cable ties, rope and tape. Obviously the first time around I had my suspicions of course but now knowing the story I have to chuckle. It is clear that no only is Ana been effected by Christian but he has by Ana. He sought her out. When he told her he was glad it was her and not Ana that showed up in his office that was his way of saying he's interested. I also loved when Ana was glad she wore the jeans that she had on...she clearly wanted Christian to notice her.

  2. haha, yes, the first time through I was thinking Ana should run for her life, lol! And we learn just how appreciative Christian is of her jeans when we read his POV. ;)

  3. His POV...God get inside his head. I love how he gets all jealous about Paul and how familiar he is with Ana. All of this before anything even has happened between them. He was possessive from the start. Oh I can't forget to mention Ana's suggestion he should wear know you can DIY and ruin your clothes!!! He got a kick out of that..I have to wonder do those coveralls come in generic sizes? Ana had to "size" him up to judge what size to get him....just saying...:)

    1. You are so right - possessive from the start! No other man can pull it off like Christian can. He's controlling and possessive, but everything he does is with her in mind. <3

      Haha, yes, she was sizing him up alright! ;)

  4. Once again, his POV!! I love when he first sees her and talks about watching her brush the crumbs off of her lips etc. I love how he says he's following her around the store like a puppy. I just love the fact that he went there at all, that he was so drawn to her after their interview and he again did something totally out of character by pursuing (stalking) her. I like how they are drawn to or can sense each other's energy because I think she said something like she looked up but she wasn't sure why she did and then she saw him.

    1. Yes, yes! "What am I a fcking puppy"? And how he thinks maybe she is laughing at him and he wants to put a stop to it -- in his own way, of course! And even at this early stage he's thinking of asking her to dinner... "like on date" but can't imagine how. :)

  5. The electric current between the two to of them is undeniable...I love how this one petite woman has turned him upside down so quickly. He can't stay away from her. A man who prides himself of being in so control is turned on his ear by Ana. I love watching this unfold, it never gets old.

    1. You are so right -- some (bashers) say Ana is too weak and submissive -- they don't understand she is the one in control here and has completely turned him upside down, as you say. LOVE it!

  6. 1) Oh gosh! I just love the whole banter between them! And when he asks what her "thing" is! GAH! :D

    2) Not that I can think of! Great chapter!

    3) They have to include the interview scene in the movie!! It is epic and I can just FEEL the sexual tension between them! <3

    1. They are the king and queen of banter aren't they! And neither one realizes just what is going on... their annoyed with each other but totally smitten at the same time. LOVE!

      Glad you're here bb! <3

  7. 1. I love the fact Christian is buying his supplies. I wonder what his thoughts are when he asks for each item. I will forever judge people when I see them with these things in their carts, I will always wonder if they are freaky.

    2. Not sure if this is the chapter to bring this up but did anyone notice Ana's father died the day after she was born ? Must ask E.L. About this.

    3. I hope to see if CTG has any sort of self doubt prior to going into the store it would be interesting to see this outwardly self confident man have a few struggles like seeing Ana is a stupid move.

  8. YAY you're catching up!! :) LOL, right? I will forever be thinking "what are you REALLY going to do with that masking tape?"

    I have been wondering if the movie will incorporate any of C-POV (which gives a rather hilarious account of our Mr. Grey and the hardware store) or will it be strictly from Ana's pov like Twilight did with Bella? Maybe we'll get 3 entirely new movies from C-POV after we get the 3 new books from his viewpoint. That is my fantasy wish! *salivates*


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