

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Fifty Shades of Grey, Chp. 3

Ana arranges for her friend Jose to take the photos of Mr. Grey at his hotel in downtown Portland.  Mr. Grey arrives in his signature white shirt and gray flannel pants that hang 'in that way'.  He's accompanied by Taylor, his ever present body guard, driver and all around right-hand man.

After the photoshoot, Christian asks Ana to join him for coffee.

I love this chapter because we start to see inside Christian just a bit... the way he immediately calls on Taylor  to drive people home when Ana says she needs to take them back.  "There.  Now can you join me for coffee?" Grey smiles as if it's a done deal.  He's seemingly so self confident.  We know better.

And then there's the brief elevator ride (their first!!) where they happen upon a love struck couple in a heated kiss.  Ana notices the smirk on Mr. Grey's lips and is quite surprised when he takes her hand, leading her out. "What is it about elevators?" he mutters.  Indeed.

I love how Ana is reminding herself to stay calm and to "be cool." She's really quite taken with the man who has a grip on her.

They sit down to coffee -- Ana has tea. Christian gets right to the point asking her about Jose and Paul, wondering if either is her boyfriend. He's anxious to know her thoughts but she keeps quiet, admitting she finds him intimidating. They talk about family -- mostly hers, books and travel. Ana's dream is to visit England one day, where she can walk the grounds of her favorite authors.

Christian insists on walking Ana back to the parking garage where she left her car.  Along the way she surprises herself with her bluntness asking him if he has a girlfriend. "No, Anastasia. I don't do the girlfriend thing," he says softly.

Pondering this reply Ana, clumsy as ever, trips and falls into the roadway, right in front of a "cyclist" I'll assume that's British for motorcycle, otherwise -- not so harrowing an ordeal.  Grey saves her, pulling her into his arms, holding her close against his chest. The way he holds her, one arm wrapped around her, the other hand softly traces her face, gently brushing her lip with his thumb.

For the first time 21 years, Anastasia wants to be kissed.  Badly.



  1. This series of books is like an onion, many layers.

    Yes, the way Christian orchestrates the events in order for Ana to have coffee with him is a glimpse of the controlling man that he is. He has an agenda. Does he have any one to compete against. I know he is pleased when he finds out that she doesn't have any boyfriend. And Christian doesn't do the girlfriend thing, that had Ana wondering..okay then what exactly do you do? I love Christian's intensity as well as his old world charm. When Ana was nearly run over he was not only angry that she needed to be more careful but more importantly how she felt in his arms. We know she effects him and we certainly know how he effects.

    "What is it about elevators..." Love that line - one of many.

    J, lovely recap. xo

    1. Thanks bb, I have to say I'm enjoying these reviews because it really helps me relive each moment.

      Mmm...Christian's intensity. SO important. I really hop the pick the right guy to pull it off in the films.

      Thanks so much for commenting! :)

  2. I LOVE the scene where he catches her and she wanted to be kissed! GAH! *swoon* Then he tries to tell her to stay away! How could anyone stay away from him?! Dear spirits....<3

    Great summary, Jlyn! I am nervous for the movie! If they pick the wrong guy it will ruin it I think :/.

  3. You are so right Evie, the choice of actor will be such a huge factor for this movie!! Not to mention screenwriter and director. It really has to all be there to properly capture the books.

  4. He pissed me off here.. What the hell was the purpose of getting coffee if he had no other intentions of going after her. The whole hand holding thing is very misleading if he doesn't do the girlfriend thing. But alas... It all worked itself out.

    PS. Ana needs to stop falling down all the time.

  5. Hahah, "Did he now?" I think Christian can't stay away from her. He knows he should -- but he just can't. Maybe he was hoping by having coffee she'd do something that would turn him off and he'd no longer be thinking about her? He's not aware of how innocent she is at this point, maybe he was testing the waters for some hot sex. I tend to think he just can't keep away, not matter how much he thinks he should.

    Hadn't thought about the hand holding but now that you mention it.... is this just Christian taking control? We all know how he loves control... Or maybe it was from that elevator ride -- feeling their electric connection, seeing that other couple making out... He was probably afraid of kissing her senseless and just wanted to get the hell outta there!

    All very valid points as to why we NEED C-POV!


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