

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Fifty Shades of Grey, Chp. 4

Kiss me, damn it! I implore him, but I can’t move.  …I’m in your arms, kiss me please.

With a subtle shake of his head Christian answers Ana’s silent plea as if he can hear her thoughts.  “Anastasia, you should steer clear of me. I’m not the man for you.”   Needless to say, Ana is fairly crushed in that moment (as was I!). I so wanted them to kiss.  But this made Mr. Grey all the more mysterious to me and I loved him for it.  Ana, however, feels rejected and foolish and wants only to make a quick getaway.  She takes the spurned kiss moment hard.  It was the first time she’d ever put herself out there…and she was turned down.  Her self conscious reprimands her for allowing the tears and self pitying wallowing and before she knows it, she’s off…determined to put the encounter and Christian Damned Grey behind her.

Try as she might, she can’t shake the man from her thoughts and that night dreams of him again…in her somewhat nightmarish sleep, she’s not sure if she’s running towards something or away from it.

Arriving home after taking her final exams, Kate tells Ana a package has been delivered for her.  She opens the parcel to find a leather box with 3 mint condition first edition volumes from Tess of the d’Urbervilles and a card:  Why didn’t you tell me there was danger? Why didn’t you warn me? Ladies know what to guard against, because they read novels that tell them of these tricks…   Ana recognizes the quote from Tess and is stunned – she’s just spent hours writing of the works of Thomas Hardy during her final exam.  Realizing the value of the gift, she knows immediately who sent them.  Kate is ecstatic for her friend but Ana knows she cannot accept such an extravagant gift.

To celebrate the end of final exams and their future move to Seattle, Ana and Kate head to the local club for drinks with friend Jose.  Ana indulges too much, and in a mischievous, drunken not-quite-stupor, decides to call Christian from the bar.  She wants to know why he sent the books -- He wants to know why she is drunk and how she is getting home.  “Anastasia, where are you? Tell me now.”  I love demanding Christian. <3 

Ana refuses to tell him and abruptly ends the call.  But Christian is a man of means.  He calls her back just long enough to say he’s coming for her before hanging up again.  No expecting him at all – how would he know where to find her? She briefly returns to her friends before heading out for some air.  “You’re such a lightweight” Kate tells her.

Outside, Ana is joined by Jose. Why can’t she see he has a crush on her?  He’s a bit drunk himself and decides to plant one on her.  Ana tries to fend him off, but Jose is a wall of muscle. Her repeated “no’s” are met with sloppy determination.

“I think the lady said no,” a voice in the dark says quietly.  Christian Grey to the rescue!!  Jose releases Ana and she immediately vomits spectacularly on the ground, sending Jose back several steps.  Mr. Grey steps forward to hold her long hair, leading her to the azaleas to hurl in the shadows.  Ana is appalled, but unable to control her heaving stomach.  She’s also amazed Mr. Grey is there – how did he find her? And why is staying after witnessing her losing her lunch?

Christian informs Ana that he’ll take her home.  They return to the bar to collect her things and tell Kate she’s leaving.  Kate is having a wonderful time with Christian’s brother ,Elliot, who apparently came along for the ride.  But before Grey can even get Ana from the club she passes out in his arms…



  1. UNF. The scene where he rescues her from Jose! OMG!!! I LOVE that scene! Makes me all gooey inside! <3 He is like a superhero! And I totally swooned when she passed out in his arms!

    I also think the fact she cannot stop thinking about him is a sign of her feelings, and the fact he sends her that book- something he knows she will love- shows his feeling for her. I love seeing their feeling develop, even in the smallest ways! :)

    Fantastic summary, sister Jlyn!

    1. Me too!! The way EL slowly reveals these characters is amazing. I love the journey she takes us on! The books were the perfect gift! Lol, I did a lot of swooning with this series too!

  2. I really love the way that he actually stayed by her side and held her hair while she was sick. Unlike Jose who moved to the side and eventually went back inside without waiting to see if Ana was fine. It shows how Christian cares for Ana.

    1. I agree!! I remember thinking what kind of friend is Jose? And was already growing fond of Christian. The trilogy takes its time revealing the layers of the characters - I just love that!

  3. Exactly, not only what kind of friend is that but he claimed to have feelings for her! the least he could've done was help her. And yes it definitely takes its time but it makes it that much more scrumptious as we unveil the mystique of Mr.Grey as the story progresses.

  4. If he would have stood there and braided her hair that would have made the scene better.. LOL. JK.

    This is one of my favorite parts. The whole bar thing, him making her drink the water. Him caring for her. I've always wondered.. He had to put her in the car, carry her into his hotel, undress her - dying for his thoughts on all this. He get the chance to care for someone physically instead of his usually monetary way. Also dying to know what he was doing with Ethan. They are brotherly but I always felt like CTG kept him at a distance due to CTGs admission that Ethan is nosey.

    1. LMAO!! I'm sure WHEN we get C's POV we'll see he was just 'itching' to braid her hair!

      I love it too - he took very good care of her. And yes, just what were he and Ethan up too??

  5. One of my favorite scenes in the entire series! I can just see Christian's face at the other end of the phone when she drunk dials him! "Where the f@ck are you!" Not sure about you but when he uses that word it is so sexy and hot! He took very good care of her even though I know he was furious that she put herself in this situation. Of course he found her...he can track anything or anyone! We so need C's POV here too, I agree. Just get his thoughts of when he was undressing her and putting her to bed. He most likely was filled with lust and tenderness, and totally confused over the feelings he is having over this slip of a girl.


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